Current Indicator Threat Grade
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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References
Full Indicator Record
Indicator Historical Trend
Grade | Date | Headline | Source |
MOD | 29 Jul 2020 | Long Lines for Covid-19 Tests in Miami | [WSJ] |
SEVERE | 08 Jul 2020 | New testing delays as virus surges | [AP] |
HIGH | 02 May 2020 | Most states fall short of coronavirus testing thresholds | [AP] |
SEVERE | 26 Apr 2020 | COVID-19 Testing Remains Scarce | [MSN] |
SEVERE | 18 Apr 2020 | Shortages of testing swabs, protective gear and specialized lab chemicals still reported | [AP] |
SHTF | 11 Apr 2020 | Slow Start for Rapid Coronavirus Tests Frustrates States | [WSJ] |
SHTF | 27 Mar 2020 | Promised Drive-Through Testing Sites Haven't Materialized | [The Hour News] |
SHTF | 26 Mar 2020 | Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus | [ProPublica] |
SHTF | 25 Mar 2020 | Pentagon: Coronavirus Tests Scarce | [Washington Times] |
SHTF | 24 Mar 2020 | CDC belatedly distributed COVID-19 test kits equally to all 50 States | [KHN] |
SHTF | 23 Mar 2020 | Testing blunders crippled response as coronavirus spread | [AP] |
SHTF | 22 Mar 2020 | Chaos, inconsistency mark launch of drive-thru virus testing | [AP] |
SHTF | 21 Mar 2020 | Los Angeles County instructs doctors to test patients 'only if a positive result could change how they would be treated' | [LA Times] |
SHTF | 21 Mar 2020 | Claim: CDC Leaders lied to President about center's ability to produce Coronavirus testing kits | [WPMI] |
SHTF | 19 Mar 2020 | Coronavirus Testing Chaos across America | [WSJ] |
SHTF | 18 Mar 2020 | National shortage of lab supplies needed to process coronavirus tests | [inforum] |
SHTF | 12 Mar 2020 | Miami: Public hospitals begging to do coronavirus tests | [Miami Herald] |
SEVERE | 12 Mar 2020 | Boston: Severe Shortage of Tests Blunts Coronavirus Response | [Boston Globe] |
SEVERE | 11 Mar 2020 | CDC Director does not know how his agency plans to deal with COVID-19 test kit shortage | [Politico] |
SEVERE | 11 Mar 2020 | COVID-19 Test Kit Component Shortage | [USA Today] |
SEVERE | 11 Mar 2020 | Fed Govt approval process stopping private labs from conducting their own COVID-19 tests | [NBC] |